Think about what can be a very quiet month and start to plan to make it stronger.
Trading patterns in January vary greatly. Some salons have a great first two weeks and then it is quieter. For some it is slower all month and some have a really good month right through. It all depends on your location, key team members on holidays and other variables. Have a look at last year’s results and use this as a guide to help you plan.
If you had a below your goal in January last year, are you prepared to admit that you did very little to make it better and then take that into consideration. There are a lot of things you can do to get clients in for an appointment and to ensure they have extra services and buy products they need. Mostly it is about your focus. No effort = no result.
When you have clients who cancel in December always offer to arrange an appointment for January.
You still pay wages in January. You still pay rent just the same as you do with all your other expenses. You need to work at getting the dollars in during what can be a slower month. If you “the salon owner” are going on holidays and taking a well-earned break, make sure that while you are away your salon is organised, focused and your team will work together to achieve a good result. Don’t leave it to chance.
Promote to get your gift vouchers to come in. You already have the income for this, so look on it as continued dollars in the bank. This is a good strategy to fill any gaps. Use your social media for this.
Get your January marketing and promotions in place in November and be ready to go in early January.