Take ten to start your day!

Inside of a hair salon with 4 seats

It is a known fact that if you prepare for something you get a much better result than you otherwise would. Anything you “wing” might get you a result but the question is always how much better could it be if you invested just a small amount of focused, quality time and used some of that knowledge and experience that you carry around in your head?

I am a great time manager and I work with the principle that time is priceless so I make the most of every minute. You will never have enough time in any given day, so use what you have wisely to action the things that make a difference.

Your focus for the start of each day should be to have great energy around everyone in the salon. This will help to ensure your team have a great day and your clients enjoy their visit.

Your daily goals should be in place because you can’t manage what you don’t measure.

Time to ask yourself a couple of questions.

  • What do you currently do to start your salon day?
  • Do you have in place $ goals for each day?
  • Are you just hoping you will achieve what you need to?
  • Could you do more to control the results of the day?
  • If you want to get a different result look at what you can do in a different way.


For the next month commit to investing 10 minutes at the start of your day following my plan for success. This is about forming new habits and you will need to be strong to not get side tracked.

  • Arrive at the salon 10 minutes earlier than usual
  • Coffee is usually next
  • Review your salon $ goal for the day (that of course you have set!)
  • Look at the value of future appointments for the day and see what the gap is between it and your goal
  • Focus on that gap and how you will make it disappear
  • Dig deep and think of how to excite your team to have a great day and to shrink that gap. Turn their lights on. Take time to look at the previous history of all returning clients. Get excited about how many new clients you have. Are those new clients booked with the best person to win them?
  • Discuss your product of the week and how this can benefit your clients
  • Look for opportunities to reward great service and opportunities for improvement that you can share.
  • Add to this list any action you can take to make it a great day

One of my favourite sayings is “Your energy = 20%”, and I believe that if you invest 10 minutes a day on this as a salon owner your energy will get you more excited and if you are more excited your team will be too.

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