What Is Influencing Your Customers to Spend

BlogBusiness tips

We really are living in a changing world, especially with the changes we had to make during Covid. Everything is moving so fast and if you, as a business owner, are not looking at what your client’s new needs are, you are going to get left behind very quickly. Your clients don’t need the same as they did a year ago. Their needs and expectations have changed. Have you changed your service points to match?

An exercise to check that you are moving with your clients: –

  • Write down 3 things you have changed in your business in the last 3 months
  • Write down 6 things you have changed in your business this year

It should take you only a few minutes to think about the answers. If you have implemented new and different things, they should be easy to identify because you should still be excited and they should be focus points within your business. Don’t introduce something new and let it die.

If you can’t make a list, you need to move your mind into change mode. To assist, you must be aware that in today’s market your clients: –

  • Want to buy what “they” need
  • Make decisions totally based on “their” needs, so be sure to show the value you can provide to them
  • Making decisions based on expertise and education, so include this in your marketing and conversations with them

Most salons, both hair and beauty are trading well and are working with full appointment schedules and a waitlist. Don’t take this for granted. Continue to offer what is seen as “the best” and you will continue to be busy. Clients will choose you for the value and quality you offer. Not because of the price you charge. Price does not link to loyalty.

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